People who experience violence often struggle with financial hardships while also living with the trauma endured. Through our flexible programing and supportive assistance, clients have options available to help meet their case goals, combat financial abuse and work toward living stability.
Advocates work in the community, meeting clients where they are, based on comfort, safety and accessibility. On a case by case basis, advocates will do what they can to meet the needs of each client; increasing access points, providing unique and flexible meeting locations.
Safe Haven partners with CCADV and Connecticut Department of Housing to assist domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking survivors avoid homelessness. Eligible survivors will be assisted with rent and security deposits. People in the program will stay connected with a Safe Haven Advocate throughout the entire process. Advocates provide case management that includes trauma-informed, victim-centered approaches to rebuilding self-esteem, develop essential life skills, and establish financial independence by supporting their goals to increase income and self-sufficiency, in addition to traditional safety planning, counseling, risk assessment, and other support services already provided.
Money can be used to exert power and control in an abusive relationship. We will help you to understand the dynamics of financial abuse and develop a better insight into your finances and economic health, including developing a budget and understanding credit, banking, and investment. An advocate can also look into helping repair bad credit (often destroyed through financial abuse or the inability to work because of a sexual assault).
Many people who have experienced trauma find themselves homeless or on the verge of homelessness. Safe Haven provides minimal and temporary financial assistance to get back on their feet. A person may need assistance with issues viewed as directly related to housing: security deposit and temporary rental assistance, help clearing up rent arrears, or help with utility bills. Funds are targeted to support clients so they can rebuild and gain independence. Some other expenses may include childcare costs, transportation, school supplies, uniforms and permits required for employment.
*Funds are limited and are not guaranteed